Weekly schedule
Two periods of zazen, followed by tea/discussion; also streamed on Zoom (note: on orientation days, zazen periods are 30 minutes)
8:30 – 9:05 a.m.: zazen
9:05 – 9:15 a.m.: kinhin
9:15 – 9:50 a.m.: zazen
9:50 – 10:30 a.m. chants, tea/discussion
Two periods of zazen
6:30 – 7:10 p.m.: zazen
7:10 – 7:20 p.m.: kinhin
7:20 – 8 p.m.: zazen, closing
Open sitting via Zoom, 6 – 7 a.m.
Zoom details
Please email to request the link. If joining on Saturday via Zoom, try to observe regular zendo rules – leave enough time to join and be in a seated posture before sitting begins, and wait until a break to leave. Remain still during sits.
Monday-Friday morning Zoom sits are online only and informal: people can enter or leave at any point during the hour; please gassho/hands together upon arrival and departing.
Please mute yourself on Zoom during zazen periods and brief vows/chants (found on this page, or download them here) to avoid background noise and feedback. We encourage Zoom participants to keep their cameras on to help create a community experience.
The zendo is open to those to anyone with prior experience at a Zen or Buddhist practice center, and/or to those who have attended an orientation session (please see this page for details). When you come, please wear comfortable, neutral-colored clothing; no shorts or tank tops. Try to arrive at least 10 minutes before the first sitting. If you arrive while zazen is in progress, you will have to wait until the next kinhin period. As a general guideline, Saturday sits are 30-35 minutes, followed by a reading and discussion, which can cover practice issues or anything else on people's minds. Monday sits are 40 minutes and the atmosphere is a bit quieter and more intensive.
Recommended donations: $5 per visit, or $25 (or more!) per month for people attending regularly. Your donations are important to us and help pay our rent and fund our activities. If you're unable to contribute the suggested amount, please donate whatever you feel comfortable with; money should not be an obstacle to participating. We accept electronic donations via Venmo. Cash or check donations (please make checks payable to the "Zen Buddhist Center of Washington, DC") can be left in our dana box after sitting. Ka Shin Zendo is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit and donations are tax-deductible.
Other activities
We also have periodic daylong and weekend retreats and workshops, and sometimes host visiting Zen teachers. For more information, see the events page. The zendo Facebook page can be found here. To join our email list (occasional updates on our retreats and other area Buddhist activities), click on the link below. If you have questions not answered on this site, please email us.